(UPDATED) With all of the shocked valued stunts ployed by artists like Lil B, it was only a matter of time before a musical act would arise and become a full fledged satanic movement for the occult that could be catered to the mainstream industry. West Coast bred rap group OFWGKTA, or more commonly referred to as Odd Future, seem to fit the candidacy quite well. A group of teenagers, as young as 17 and no older than 23, that have created a movement filled with rape, violence, heavy drug use, anti-education, and satanism. Seemingly coming from out of nowhere, this group of under privileged teens have paved an obscure lane of stardom through blatant promotion and praise of the satanic occult. Many groups that have such outrageous subject matter will be labeled and filed under the small fan-based horror core rap (i.e. Insane Clown Posse, Jedi Mind Tricks, Killah Priest, etc.). These kids, however, managed to sky rocket their success after a year of trailing the underground music scene with viral Youtube videos and free mixtape projects. Now, it seems that what was once a minority liking, has now became a global phenomenon as Odd Future is beginning to become more of a household name. Question is, should this be a name uttered amongst the household. This group is obviously deeply influenced by the occult and has implied allegiance to spreading the satanic agenda. In this post, I will briefly analyze the fame of this group and determine whether or not they are truly working for the Illuminati elite.
Just recently the group reached many television sets as they were selected to perform on late night with Jimmy Fallon. Aside from the show having a packed house of co-signing celebrities such as Mos Def and Brandon T. Jackson, the group has also received high praises from many other popular occult influenced artists in the industry:
On the show, they managed to create a very occult themed live show, with demonically possessed women, fairytale creatures, and repetitive chants of "kill them all":
not a good look Lupe.
Odd Future's singer Frank Ocean in the studio with Beyonce
the group with Diddy (one of their rumored signing options)
Tyler, The Creator working with Pharrell & Neptunes
Tyler also seen with Justin Bieber
On the show, they managed to create a very occult themed live show, with demonically possessed women, fairytale creatures, and repetitive chants of "kill them all":
Group leader Tyler The Creator performing while wearing his trademark ski-mask with an inverted cross painted on the front
a woman appearing to be possessed on stage with them
Odd Future with gnomes on the stage of their Fallon show
Odd Future performing behind a gnome inspired stage at the Woodie Awards
Aside from the already apparent blatancy, there was another somewhat random theme imbedded into their shows, gnomes:
Odd Future with gnomes on the stage of their Fallon show
Odd Future performing behind a gnome inspired stage at the Woodie Awards
But why gnomes? Most people would consider this just another small part of their grand scheme of things in shock valuing their way into stardom. The randomness of the group slightly diverges people's attentions from the "in your face" satanism. However, in the occult, gnomes are worshipped as another type of demon. In fact, famous occultist Franz Hartmann (co-founder of Aleister Crowley's O.T.O) had a deep fascination over the magical beings and even wrote a book in their relation to occult worship called Among The Gnomes: An Occult Tale of Adventure:
Hartmann seen in his O.T.O masonic robes
In a recent photo shoot, the group further expressed their satanic worship with blatant imagery as Tyler is shown drawing occult symbols around his groups name:
inverted crosses and triple 6's
"...if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives the mark (666) on the forehead or on the hand, he too will drink of the wine of God's fury which has been poured full strength into the cup of His wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb" - Revelation 14:9-10
Also in the pictures, there appears to be a beheaded unicorn head throughout. The unicorn in the religious connotation is a reference to spiritual purity and holiness or in many cases, Christ or God. So one can only assume what a beheaded unicorn means:
When I was researching the relation of unicorns to the occult I found that many music artists have also used them in a similar manner as Odd Future:
Ke$ha seen killing unicorns in her music video for "Blow"
The mysterious unicorn that appears in Lady GaGa's "Born This Way"
To make this unicorn phenomena even stranger, Cartoon Network's mature (and very satanic, see "Occult Swim" post) programming Adult Swim has created a video game called "Robot Unicorn Attack" that has gone quite viral, developing a very large fan base in the past year.
notice the butterflies, game used for Monarch programming?
The concept of the game is very trance-inducing as you simply move through a 2-D portal of rainbows and bridges as butterflies lead you to the next level. If you lose, your unicorn is beheaded. Sound familiar? It gets stranger...
Adult Swim games just recently released a sequel to the game called "Heavy Metal Unicorn Attack", same concept but with satanic themed levels!
same concept except with blatant pentagrams throughout and demons lead you to victory. crazy.
I'm sure you are thinking this has nothing to do with Odd Future and I'm just rabbit holing, well Adult Swim just inked a deal with a new rap group to start a cartoon based on them. Care to guess what group it was?
Here is the official report:
"In their Billboard Magazine cover story, the twelve-man ensemble revealed an Adult Swim pilot that they will be producing. “In the pre-buzz days, the Odd Future crew would post homemade comedy skits on their Tumblr and mention dreams of one day turning them into a show for Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim programming,” says journalist Andrew Noz in the cover story. “Now they’re producing a pilot for the network, which management describes as a mixture of ‘Jackass’ and ‘Chappelle’s Show.’” - MTV (Source)
Coincidence? Doubtful.
Even though there are at least 12 members that form this group, I will only focus on some of the more notable and important names seen in the industry's limelight. I'm sure most who have heard the name Odd Future are also familiar with the name of Odd Future leader, Tyler The Creator.
Tyler, The Creator
After watching this young man rap and produce, it is no question that he is intelligent and gifted musically. However, the source of his talent seems to revolve around one particular being, the Devil. Tyler has repeatedly spoken of his relationship with the Devil, similar to how one would explain their spiritual connection with God. At the beginning of his last album BASTARD, Tyler speaks of his love/hate relationship:
In this short clip, Tyler expresses that he is possessed and that he acknowledges the Devil as his spiritual father
What's even more demented is that one of the album covers for this album BASTARD shows a photo of a young Tyler sitting down with a pentagram drawn on his head:
With watching several interviews of Tyler and various music videos and performances, it would not seem too much of a stretch that he could be demonically possessed. I know some may think that demon possession is only a act or facade, especially when mentioned in the music industry, and can be merely diagnosed with a form of medical condition. But as stated before on this site, in relation to the occult, possession is a main component of mind control. But wouldn't Tyler inhibit some of the same symptoms commonly seen in other mind controlled slaves? Well just so happens that he does.
Probably, the most revealing of his possession is seen in his highly acclaimed "Yonkers" video. Aside from the already blasphemous lyrics, the video portrays Tyler talking to an unseen psychologist through his demonic state of mind.
Frank Ocean
Frank Ocean has also been seen exclusively working for Jay-Z and Kanye West on their highly occult infested Watch The Throne album.
One song in particular, "No Church In The Wild" officially shows Ocean's lack of faith in his pursuit for super stardom. Here are the lyrics (which I'm sure everyone is familiar with by now):
Aside from this, just recently Frank Ocean has shown a deep fascination with Native American occultism:
To show this is no mere coincidence on Frank's part, the young singer has also implemented more commonly seen occult beliefs into his music. His upcoming project Channel Orange, has been promoted with his lead single titled "Pyramids", a song that is filled with Egyptian occult references:
Earl Sweatshirt
So what's my point to all this? I'm sure the "conspiracy" skeptics will say that its just gimmicks and these kids are "just having fun" and are "doing no harm". But please let me make something clear, this was my worst fear, that satanism would soon be desensitized into becoming the norm for society. This group, I believe, is just the first step in occult blatancy and if accepted on a worldwide basis will usher in a new strain of occult-inspired music, making society move away from moral values and embrace satanic beliefs to its very core (worst than it already is, can you imagine?). These occult musicians are not for gimmicks or fun, this is purposed mind control to our youth for the satanic elite to bring in the new world order. There have already been reports of children dropping out of school due to these menaces' influence. In fact, Tyler released a twitpic of one of his pre-teen fans' schoolwork that they sent to him:
Probably, the most revealing of his possession is seen in his highly acclaimed "Yonkers" video. Aside from the already blasphemous lyrics, the video portrays Tyler talking to an unseen psychologist through his demonic state of mind.
To properly analyze this video in relation to possession, I will compare it to another public case of demon possession that was dramatized in a Hollywood film, The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Not to get too in-depth about the movie, it surrounds a young farm girl who becomes possessed and dies from an exorcism putting the priest at fault which led to a supreme court case. The reason I am using this film is because, not only was it based on a true story but it also shows common symptoms of possession within the movie that I will relate to Tyler's music video below:
The first clip shows Tyler playing with a cockroach then suddenly eating it almost as if it was against his will:
Tyler shown eating the cockroach
Insect eating is a common occurrence in demon possession as hundred's of cases have documented it, one of which being the case of Emily Rose.
possessed Emily seen eating roaches and other insects
In the next clip, Tyler speaks of himself as his alter-ego "Wolf Haley" in which his pupils begin to darken and nose bleeds in a possessed manner:
Again, the same physical manifestation occurs in the Emily Rose case:
Emily shown possessed with the same darkened eyes
What's even stranger about this, is that this is not the first time that Tyler has revealed his blacked out pupils as there have been pictures of him before his success with the same demonic dilation of his eyes.
A photo taken of Tyler when he was a teenager, notice the same darkened pupils
Again, shown on the alternative cover for his latest album GOBLIN.
Another hint of Tyler's occult possession is the manifestation of his alter ego he calls "Wolf Haley". As mentioned before, alter-egos are a very clear sign of mind control and possession. What most people are unaware of, is that Tyler's "Yonkers" song has an extended version that features his alter-ego "Wolf Haley":
"still suicidal I am/ I'm WOLF
Tyler put this f*ckin' knife in my hand/ I'm WOLF
ace gonna put that f*ckin' hole in my head/ I'm WOLF"
The troubling song "Yonkers" is found on his latest album GOBLIN. As the alt. cover appears to be bad enough, the original artwork of the album would be immediately labeled as odd or "random" considering it is just a picture of a young westerner named Buffalo Bill.
As most would just dismiss the weird cover choice, like everything else, their is a possibly darker meaning behind the selection. Unknown to most, Buffalo Bill was deeply rooted in the occult being a member of many societies from Freemasonry to the westernized Knights Templar.
Buffalo Bill seen in his Knights Templar uniform and his masonic cain
It would also be interesting to note that Eminem has also channeled this dead westerner in a song from his highly demonic album Relapse, entitled "Buffalo Bill". The song doubles as a reference to the fictional character from the occult film, Silence of the Lambs, with the same name:
Considering that the album itself is named GOBLIN, the word goblin being another name for demon. It would seem that Tyler could possibly be further telling us what twisted possession he is suffering from.
As if there needed to be anything else besides all that, Tyler has also been seen wearing a shirt admiring everyone's favorite satanist, Aleister Crowley:
Tyler wearing an obvious Crowley shirt, further showing his occult allegiance
Frank Ocean
Often seen as the "I can at least listen to him" member of the group. R & B sensation Frank Ocean has landed into the playlist of many an ipod. However, we don't see him at many of the Odd Future's satanic shows or music videos. Does this make him separate from the bunch? Look at it this way, does a good apple freshen a bag of rotten apples? The answer to that hypothetical is no, and neither is it the case for this young Odd Future member. What most people don't know about this mysterious crooner is that before OF fame, he was a solo artist who went under the name Lonny Breaux, which happens to be his real name.
He even managed to recorded many songs under this moniker, working with a few top name producers. His talent did not increase drastically within a year as you can tell from the music itself. So why the sudden rise to fame? Was it merely because he began associating himself with Odd Future or did Mr. Breaux take a few more darker steps into the occult to jumpstart his success?
Breaux's first change of direction in his career was his apparent name change to Frank Ocean. What's quite interesting is that his new name "Frank Ocean" sounds awfully familiar to "Frank Olson". Frank Olson just so happened to be the leading specialist that conducted the first Monarch MK/Ultra mind control projects in the early 90's.
Frank Olson, head specialist of MK/Ultra
Some would say this is just a coincidence. I, however, don't believe in coincidences which is why I also don't believe that Frank Ocean's first project under his new name would be called Nostalgia/Ultra being a coincidence neither ("nostalgia" meaning triggering past memories and "ultra" in relation to classified government projects).
On the album, he even speaks on losing his faith after the all the fame and pressure:
Frank Ocean has also been seen exclusively working for Jay-Z and Kanye West on their highly occult infested Watch The Throne album.
"Human beings in a mob,
whats a mob to a king,
whats a king to a God,
whats a God to a non-believer who don't believe in anything
we he make it out alive?
no church in the wild"
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Frank Ocean seen wearing an ancient Native American thunderbird, also displaying the occult devil horns |
Recently, Frank Ocean released a song called "Thinking About You", which originally served as a reference track for another artist. However, due to the success of the song, Frank decided to keep it for himself and promote it with a music video. The video itself, is riddled with occult symbology, mostly rooted to Native American magic. Seemingly having to do nothing with the lyrical content of the record, its obvious that Frank simply wanted to make his occult affiliation appeal more to his listeners that may not be fully committed to his satanic group members. Here is the video:
The video starts with Frank Ocean playing as a doctor that is trying to comfort a young boy whose mother is terminally ill. He begins with telling him a story that involves Native American healing magic. The story is about a husband whose wife was dying, brings her to a group of Indian tribal mystics and shamans in order for them to perform an occult ritual on her to revival her back to life with the use of some "spiritual" power manifested from the sky.
The video ends with Frank Ocean explaining to the child the importance of a dream-catcher and how its power relates to Native American magic.
Most people that watched this video, did not understand it nor its correlation to the song. But just like the rest of Odd Future, Frank Ocean's occult practices runs very deep within his music, making his influence just as dangerous as his groupmates. It must be recognized that all forms of occultism is satanic in its root. In fact, in a recent study taken of early Native American magic entitled Indians, Witchcraft, and Witch-hunting, it has been proven that throughout history this form of occultism has always been seen as very demonic in nature:
"They saw the Indians natural religion as diabolical, understood Native shamans as witches, and demeaned Native practioners as slaves of Satan..."
Many other music artists have taken up Native American occultism into daily practice, as they believe it gives them more power and as a by-product, more success:
Ke$ha |
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Steve Aoki |
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KiD CuDi |
To show this is no mere coincidence on Frank's part, the young singer has also implemented more commonly seen occult beliefs into his music. His upcoming project Channel Orange, has been promoted with his lead single titled "Pyramids", a song that is filled with Egyptian occult references:
The actual lyrics of the song suggest that Frank Ocean is giving praise to ancient Egyptian goddesses, The song specifically references the name of Alexandrian queen Cleopatra, a woman that is worshipped as a form of Egyptian deity in many occult circles today. Here are a few lyrics that reaffirm this:
"You feel like God inside that gold,
I found you laying down with Samson,
and his full head of hair,
found my black queen, Cleopatra,
bad dreams, Cleopatra"
"As we march in rhythm
on that palace floor,
chandeliers inside the pyramid
tremble from the force
symbols crash inside the pyramid
voices fill up the halls"
As cryptic as the lyrics may seem, if looked at from an occult perspective it all makes valid sense. Frank Ocean seems to be involved in a sexual ritual between a woman as he adorns her as a goddess. This type of music is almost more destructive than the blatancy demonstrated by rest of Odd Future because Frank's female listeners will be emotionally influenced to accept such occult behavior to achieve the same sexual experience being promoted in the song.
Earl Sweatshirt
Another individual that is worth mentioning of this very adverse group is the currently absent co-founder, Earl Sweatshirt. Although, the youngest of the group at only 17, Earl is quite possibly seen as the leader of this rebellious rap dozen. Most people even comparing his heightened lyricism to that of Nas caliber, Tyler has even said himself that some of Earl's work has transcended most veteran emcees of the industry. And like his devilish cohorts, Earl Sweatshirt has also pledged his youthful soul to the occult it seems through his music. On his highly acclaimed album EARL, there is a song entitled "Moonlight" that speaks deeply about Earl's possession as the Devil takes control of him.
"started thinking about a normal life/ it got me suicidal
standing in the kitchen/ with a noose and a rifle
hang or bang/ hocking loogies in the Bible
dancing with the Devil/ tonight's our first recital
his hands on my hips/ he takes control of my movement
a couple minutes past/ I don't know what I'm doing
just dance to the music/ so nobody will laugh at me
but the fucking voices in my head keep asking me"
It's quite obviously that Earl suffers from occult influence as much as Tyler, but the question is, why haven't we seen Earl in all the basking Odd Future spotlight? Well, as the story goes, because Earl is still considered a minor, his mother is still legal guardian and dictates his actions. His mother disapproved of Earl's music success and satanic indulgence so she did what any logical frantic mother would do to fix her child, send him a million miles away. Not only did she relocate him, but reports have surfaced that Earl is away in a rehabilitation camp for troubled teens in Samoa. Tyler, first tried to disclaim the rumors but then many photos had surfaced of Earl in his bettered surroundings.
Tyler, has high (or would it be low? whatever) hopes that Earl has no sign of recovery and returns back to his same tormented self as he recently took to his twitter to express his concerns for his absent cult buddy:
In the June 2011 issue of XXL, the magazine decided to do an article on the occult-clan that is Odd Future. In the photo shoot, as the group stands in the middle of some random California wilderness, half of the member is seen wearing a shirt with an all too familiar symbol. Anybody notice whats on their shirts?
the "all seeing eye" pyramid
This is an obvious reference to Illuminati control, as the subtitle of the shirts says "all we ask is trust". A famous quote referenced to secret society acceptance. The clothing brand is called Freed Minds (sick irony?), and their choice of visuals is no naivety by any means. They have several shirts full of occult symbols:
a reference to the masonic grand master rite
So what's my point to all this? I'm sure the "conspiracy" skeptics will say that its just gimmicks and these kids are "just having fun" and are "doing no harm". But please let me make something clear, this was my worst fear, that satanism would soon be desensitized into becoming the norm for society. This group, I believe, is just the first step in occult blatancy and if accepted on a worldwide basis will usher in a new strain of occult-inspired music, making society move away from moral values and embrace satanic beliefs to its very core (worst than it already is, can you imagine?). These occult musicians are not for gimmicks or fun, this is purposed mind control to our youth for the satanic elite to bring in the new world order. There have already been reports of children dropping out of school due to these menaces' influence. In fact, Tyler released a twitpic of one of his pre-teen fans' schoolwork that they sent to him:
There is even a video with the whole group taking all sorts of drugs from cough syrup to cocaine and putting it into a blender then drinking it! Just plain frightening! Even if it was only a dramatization, the fact that they are even endorsing this type of behavior should be enough.
scenes from Earl's music video for "Earl"
Is this still acceptable for our children? Is this just "teens having fun"? All of these group members profess atheism as their worldview, yet ALL of their actions express otherwise. Seriously, conspiracies aside, this has gotten to a point of sheer occult paganism. It has turned into a self-indulgence of sin that has completely been accepted by mass population without even giving anyone time to choose. I believe we have been set up for this type of blatancy from the very beginning. The Illuminati began with just simple toddler steps to their ultimate goal, and now it seems as if their making ground as this group will just be one of many to sneek in like "a wolf in sheeps clothing". Speaking of which, have you noticed that both this group and the other master of blatancy Lil B, both started under groups in reference to wolves?
Have we all been deceived? Or the better question is, will you continue to be deceived?
"Beware of false prophets, which will come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are vicious wolves" - Matthew 7:15
You have read this article with the title Odd Future: The Rise Of Satanic Blatancy. You can bookmark this page URL http://truehiphopspot.blogspot.com/2011/05/odd-future-rise-of-satanic-blatancy.html. Thanks!