Live From New York

You Know The Deal About Hip Hop
There are Two Sides Of It
The Real And The Phony
From The Realest Side Here Comes Mr Live.

Mr Live Is Not Your Average Mc 
He Is A True Battle Cat From The Dirty Streets Of Fort Green 
From his experience in Hip Hop Acts Like Balcrayn and E & J To Becoming A Solo Mc 
From Being "Signed" On Bobbito Legendary Fondle'Em Label To His Beef With J-Live 
Mr Live Tells It All

You Got To Cop His Last Year Album
The Bang Theory

Plus You're Lucky enough To Get Your Hands
Unreleased-Never-Heard-Before-Too-Hot-To Handle Tracks
From The Forthcoming Project Untitled Vertigo
Featuring Mike Ladd, Pacewon,Tes, Insight, L.i.f.e Long Buck 65
And Many More
All Tracks Produced By The Defenders
The French Producer You Don't Want To Fuck With



Oh No


How did you work on the beats of the album, how did you select them, did you ask for a producer to work on a type of sound…?

Well, we work on. We make joints like at least every other week. I’ve got a group of four-five producers that I work with and that’s my homies…There’s Ste-lo who did a lot of work with C-Rayz Walz, a couple of joints with El-P, Cannibal Ox and stuff like that,

Ves who I was working with back in the days,

my man Big Trap who did “Crossroads” and “Step it up”.

Each of these dudes kinda has a different feeling.
Earl (blaize)’s sound is the queen of sounds, kinda futuristic.When I need an underground joint, I might mess with Ste-lo or Trap. When I want a really kinda 95 feeling, I mess with Ves. I’m a underground MC at hard beat, so I love the dirty 95 underground grimy beat, like the street 95 beat. But again I like the diversity and when I listen to it and I hear too much stuff sounding the same, I want to change the sound.

You did this song “Make it rowdy” and some people didn’t like it. At the same time, this same people can listen to the Neptunes and new kinda productions style so how do you feel about this? The same guys, when it’s supposed to be underground, they don’t like this kind of sound and when it’s mainstream, they just deal with it and they like it…

Well, my thing is I never hate on another’s person opinion and I don’t think I’ll ever never make an album where you’ll like every fucking joints, that everybody likes every joints. If I do an album that’s all underground, maybe some of the ladies won’t like, and some of the cats that really like something easy going.

If I like a track, I’m gonna do it. It’s as simple as that. I’m not gonna say: “Oh this sound is too mainstream, or this sound is too underground, or this sound is too bitchy, like some gang shit”… I would love to be that kind of artist where you could accept certain tracks from me. I really don’t want to be trapped in the underground and at the same time I don’t want to be considered like a mainstream artist, and I notice this may sound a bit a contradiction. It’s like Cee-lo, he didn’t care about his Goodie Mob fans, he wanted to do some good music. All I do is pick good tracks, that’s what I try to do anyway.

Talking about Earl Blaize, did you ever feel like collaborating with MC’s from Anti Pop Consortium ?

I know Earl from way back in the days, like in the 90s. We had this shows together. Priest was solo back then. Sha Key came out with an album and then I had met Beans and Sayiid came way later. But when I was doing lyrical style, we didn’t compliment each other, they was doing something else. That’s my people though, I love them cats. But what they talk about and how they talk about it don’t really match, we don’t really go together. But if you listen to “Lemon face”, it’s kind of like AntiPop style. It’s the closest I can get. Not even lyrically ‘cause I’m never gonna be all over the place like that, but kinda like the function and the subject. It’s kinda like a tribute to APC, to AntiPop Consortium style music. Me and Earl got like 5-6 tracks just dedicated to APC sound, ‘cause he gotta lot of fans out there. Like I said, Priest is my dude, I love Beans, me and Sayiid is cool.

I heard there was something like a reunion of APC …

Yeah, they spoke being together making some joints because I know Priest getting something out now, Sayid has something a little while ago. They wanted to do a joint with me man, so I said maybe we can do it man, I’ll try.

How about the connection with Bobbito Garcia, are you still in touch?

Yeah, he’s my dude. Basically it was crazy ‘cause it came thru Breev Brewrn from the Jugganots and we both hanging in the same circles. One day Breev was going up to Bobbito’s spot and he invited me to come with him. And that’s how me and Bobbito got tight. And then there was that club we all used to go in 95-96-97 that was called Nuyorican Poets Café. Bobbito used to host there so I was seeing him like 2-3 times a month. I was used to keep on giving Bobbito tapes with new joints to play on his show and he never played a joint! But Bobbito was black and white, if Bob likes it he plays, if he didn’t he didn’t play. It was actually at that time I came to Europe for the first time, in 94-95. I was going to quit, I was going to stop rhyming. Everybody was on some gangsta shit and I was trying to get out of that shit. I running the streets myself, and I wasn’t proud. And I gave Bobbito like my last demo, I was like a dog. He liked it, he went so far he was like “Hey I want to put this out”. I was like “What?! Fuck it!”. I wasn’t really interested in independent hip-hop at that time ‘cause to me everybody that was on independent labels, I didn’t like them at all. But the shit took off, so I was happy about it.

There was a kind of hype about Fondle'Em records and it disappeared so what happened…?

It’s like Bobbito kinda rule, he wasn’t no major kinda dude, he didn’t want to do videos. Bobbito was trying to make it a real classic vintage situation. He wasn’t being hard at beating the industry. All of us was tired about the industry but Bobbito was really tired about the industry. He put out a couple of people, a couple of joints and then he just let it fall. I came back to him with joints like “Do you want to put this out?”, he was like “No I don’t want to put that out”. But I was like “Yo but this is better that “Supa Dupa” everybody was saying this shit is gravity, he was like “Put it out yourself”! And I was like “… yeah! You’re right!” ‘cause when he said no, I was like “Damn, it’s over, I’m no coming out no more”. So I really awe Bobbito a lot, he showed me the way, he paved the way for me.

How do you feel about hip-hop in New York now? It used to be like very avant-garde and everything was starting in NY?

Oh it’s garbage, it’s trash! Let me clarify it. What is represented as New York hip-hop is not. And it’s not to say that there’s not artists out here who is doing good hip hop music. I’ll even say it’s the same amount of artists than back then. It’s just too hard to reach out there. Record companies and radio is not going to play real music. They wasn’t really playing it way back then. It’s just that they got out. We was lucky ‘cause shows like Bobbito shows and mixtapes, because of that it come out. Now because supposedly hip-hop music makes so much money, you heard a lot of bullshit. Because individuals don’t have the balls to do their own music or materialism type of music, about women shaking their ass, about bullshit that they don’t even have. Let there be an even thing, let that flow but let my shit play too.
Let the Jugganots shit play, let Mr Len shit play… there’s a lot of good music out there that don’t come out. I don’t even pretend that I want to be involved with that kind of situation, it’s bad. That’s why I concentrate my efforts overseas, at least I heard it’s kinda crazy out there too but at least there’s still a following out there that listen to good music.

Have you met J Live lately and if he had offered to do collaboration, would you have turn the offer down or would you have accepted it?

That’s an interesting story. When I came back from France, I found out that somebody else got my name. Ain’t nobody got no J-Live, get the fuck out! I’m listening to this cat and he blowing up, he’s getting played all over the place. So I’m like “Get the fuck outta here, ain’t nobody doing music in New York no J Live! ”. ‘Cause I had no record out, but I was all over the underground scene. I was part of a group called Blacrain, everybody knew me but it was within Blacrain. So I’m giving the cat the benefit of the doubt and I’m really coming with some peaceful shit… “That’s my name you’ve got son. We need to battle for that cause that’s my name you’ve got”… I was on Bobbito, I was on Stretch show, I was on Eclipse show, and everybody in the underground knew who the fuck I was. The guy is talking you’re not the real Live. Give me just this battle. I consider him a good MC but I would have definitely had this ass up… But he kept on frontin’! And there was a little article where he said, “I heard about the cat and I’m ready”…That’s where the beef came from. So I actually talked to the cat right after that. I was like, “Listen man, if you don’t want to battle, don’t battle, fine! But don’t broadcast saying you ready to battle me. So I don’t want to see my name in any of your articles no more or if anybody asks you just say that you don’t want to battle.” I saw him in front of a club one day and I told J-Live: “Listen man, this is no violent thing, I was at 3 of your shows I could have be beating the shit out of you then. This is no violent thing, this is a hip-hop thing. I just want to battle and I said, “If you want to do it though, we could put a record out” and then a cat that was putting records out, he did some joke about that… I was “I don’t even have to hear your verse. You don’t hear my verse, I don’t hear your verse. We battle on the same track. And we let the audience decide”. The nigger never showed up, never. So people was telling me that I was scaring him. I’m not a violent guy but everybody knew my street reputation. I didn’t bring that to hip hop, I wanted to get away. Hip-hop was a release for me, it got me away from the streets. We had ran on him one time and we squashed. I told him to go ahead about his business, I go ahead about mine. We just do it like that. That was it. He never wanted it. He don’t want to be on no track with me. I make him look like he ain’t graceful.

Basically you’d never do a track with him today?

I’d do one with him today, it’s no problem. I told the cat that I’d do a track like I’m back in the days. I really don’t got no animosity against the cat. If he wanted to do a joint, I wouldn’t mind.

Tony Bones and Sha Key are on your album. Are guys planning to do some new stuff with Vibe Kamelonz and 88that’smyname ?

Me and Bones got all this stuff stuck pile.

He is a very very successful graphic artist. He’s got a clothes line coming out, actually he got two, called Local Strangler and Corner Store Hero

And at the same time we’re gonna put out some little EP with that. We’re going to do it big. We’ve got three new tracks done already.
Sha Key is doing her thing. She’s on some real bohemian shit right now. That’s my girl though but she makes movies, she’s acting, she is doing a lot of films, lesbian films kinda like drama docu type situation. She’s kinda successful in that. She’s got a little band out right now going on. She is doing a lot of stuff in France too.

And how about Mr Len, do you have some new tracks together?

I do some tracks all the time. I have about six tracks with him. I plan on putting on the next album soon at least two Mr Len joints. Me and him rhyming on one actually.

We haven’t listen much from Mr Len, so what’s going on?

He chillin’. He actually putting cats out, he’s got like 2 groups he recently put out on his own record label, Dummy smacks. He’s doing that right now, kinda the way Bobbito did with Fondlem’Em. He is doing his things…I’m actually trying to make him coming out to make the DJ for me, but he’s doing his thing.

Kanye West or 50 Cent?

I definitely like Kanye’s productions better. But he will talk about life social stuff and real things and at the same time being contradictive with a lot of materialism. I would rather listen to Kanye West rather to 50 Cent. I don’t like 50 Cent, I don’t like nothing about 50 Cent. His first album was a classic though.
And the real tragedy is that everybody is talking about how much records they selling and ain’t nobody say how good the record was. That’s a shame. And you know what, the shit that I got stockpiles is way better than fucking Kanye. And I blow 50 Cent album.
Where are we as people when we ain’t even talking about music in an artistic sense, we talk about how many fucking records is selling.
What about the album? Was the album good? All that hype for what? For 2 mediocre albums?

wow, looks like a super hot clash indeed
You have read this article Interview / Mr Live with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!


Brought By My Man Rob C
Here Is The Essential Hip Hop Lesson You've All Been Dreaming Off
Watch Alfonso Ribeiro Aka Carlton
Teachin' You How To Rock The Crowd
You have read this article Alfonso Ribeiro / Carlton / Hip Hop Lesson / Rob C with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Love Shines Exclusive This Is For The Ladies

Hey Ladies All Over The World
It Seems That I've Just Forgot To Wish You
A Happy Valentine's day

I Know I'm Late But Today
You're Lucky enough
To Feel The Love Shining At Your Door

Girls, Rev Shines Did This Exclusive Hot Mix Just For You
It's All For You ,Really all For You

Ok, He Actually Did This As A give Away Cd For People At The Fix Party

So You Know You Don't Have To Look Nowhere Else
The Hottest Valentine's Mix Is Here
With The Hottest Love Tracks From The Likes Of:

45 King, Taana Gardner, Rainy Davis, Fatback, Bobby Hutcherson, Diamond D,
Weather Report, O.C., Pharoahe Monch, Wes Montgomery, Ghostface, Raekwon, Cappadonna,
Common, Erykah Badu, The Gift Of Gab, J Dilla, The Moments

And So On And So On

Of Course It's Free

Go Ahead Girls And Show Mad Luv To Rev Here

And Boys I Know You Want To Hear This One
(Common, This Is For The Lover In You)

Don't Be Shy
It's All Love
It's All Good

Get Your Love Fix
Get The 2 Fixes Or You Won't Feel The Love Rush

You Won't Get It Anywhere Else
(Unless You're From Portland!)

You have read this article Exclusive Mix / Rev Shines / The Fix / Valentine's Day with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Live Long And Prosper We're Holdin' It Strong

This Time it's All About The M.C.

L.I.F.E Long

From The Stronghold Legendary Crew

Stronghold Consists Of


Poison Pen,

Breez EvahFlowin',
C-Rayz Walz,


Mic Terror

Immortal Technique
Dj Static

Damn You Don't Wanna Battle This Cats

L.I.F.E long Album Untitled Longevity Volume 1.5
Is One Hell Of An Album With Guest Appearance From
Apani, Poison Pen, Mista Sinista, Iomos Marad, U.G. Of The Cella Dwellas, Grand Fortune
And Others
A True Conscious Album That You Should Definitly Buy
Cause Even If I Know That's It's All About Downloading And Leechin'
From Time To Time You GOT to Support Hip Hop Art By Buying
Give Money To Keep Our Great Culture Alive

Anyway Here Is An Interview With L.i.f.e Long
L.I.F.E Brings Food To The Table
Don't Sleep Buy Your Copy Of
Longevity Volume 1.5


Genesis of your crew Stronghold ?

Stronghold was an idea that Breez evahflowin had in 1997. We were all emcees that would just keep seeing each other at different hip-hop functions going on in n.y., At a legendary spot that everyone used to meet at 88 hip-hop was where stronghold formed.. Breez thought it would be a good idea for some of the best emcees in n.y. to form a crew and basicly spark a movement. Hence stronghold was formed!

Stronghold and New-York Underground ?

I mean its all true Stronghold basicly is the foundation of
that raw independent n.y. hip-hop. during the beginning stronghold was everywhere we put it down at alot of places wether it was on record in the battles or on stage. Stronghold is worldwide baby!!!

Feedback about each member of your crew

I think each member of stronghold play's there part. Technique and C-Rayz get a little bit more shine then other's
however we all have put out releases that were well supported,
were all different emcees with different styles i think that's what makes things so dope about my crew, no one is alike. Breez crayz and i put out releases actually before Technique if you look back at the history of our releases. Breez was the first to drop an album, then walz and then me!

Collaborations and featurings on masterpieces of the independant hip-hop

Most of the projects i was featured on were basicly because of my N.Y. Hip-hop connections. I knew Antipop or actually Beans and High Priest I met Saiid later before they were a group the same as Vast and vordule those are peeps from way back atoms fam and stronghold were runnin around for years together so the colaborations were bound to happen!

Boom Bap Influences

My influences for longevity vol 1.5 is just being around
that real raw original boom-bap i wanted to create a feeling that has been lost for quite some time as well as take it back to the golden era of hip-hop of originality and creativity! I grew up in that native tounge era plus i'm from n.y. so the sound i guess the feeling of this record is just a representation from what i have been surrounded around all my life that raw N.Y. boom-bap raw beats and rhymes!

Collaborations on your album

I have U.g. from the legendary group cella dwellas, Iomos Marad from Chicago, Apani, poison pen, Spier 1200, Donan Links, Mista sinista ..s ,Dysh, Gran fortune these are all peeps I'm cool with i never met dysh that was through the label but i was connected to his beats and new they would be a good fit for the project. I wanted to do something different with the features and showcase rare artists either not heard before or not heard in a while. I basicly wanted to keep this project exclusive and different from anything out now!

Longevity vol 1.5 : the meaning

I named the project longevity vol 1.5 because of my length in the industry. The vol 1.5 has many different rerasons it was a year and a half in the making and also not the first album but its like my first album since my e.p. struggler's paradise released in 2003. plus i have been doing music for over a decade. It has a lot of meanings to me not just one. Longevity,
meaning also my music is timeless..

Few words :

I alway's sound different on every song that i do. If you listen to any L.i.f.e. long song they never sound the same, i guess i vibe differently with people so when i do my solo stuff your getting the real life. My features is me fitting with the song and the person i'm featured with. I have my own style so if your looking for what i did on someone else's record you won't hear that cause my style is that raw N.Y.C. 90's hip-hop. I'm old school however i can rock with anyone!

Here Are Two Tracks From Longevity LP

First One Featuring U.G Of The Cella Dwellas

And Another One With Iomos Marad Of All Natural Inc.

You Got to hear the crew ripping the radio station
Provided By Man 
You have read this article Interview / Life Long / Stronghold with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

The CRDS Fat Tape Volume 6...

Yo a Super Big Thanks to everyone for the comments on the last one, here is the new one

can I, can I start this?...

Set It Off!!!

Brothers from Brentwood, L.I.(1992)
from the Crossover 12" (Def Jam)
Produced by Erick Sermon & Parrish Smith

Why this never made the superb Business Never Personal album is beyond me, hardcore Hip Hop done EPMD's way,a slowed down "Blind Alley" loop is in there, as is a dope Nice and Smooth vocal sample from "How To Flow". This is classic Sermon and Smith funk that I could listen to over and over, and as Erick states "you know my style's mad rugged you love it"...indeed

2-Born Discipline-Where You At? (1993)
from the Brothers Wanna Clown Around 12" (Low Frequency Recordings)

Produced by Craig Bevan

A simple "Blind Alley" loop, some (I think) Kool and The Gang samples and drums from Rufus Thomas was all that was needed for this chumpie, I enjoy how old school this sounds,even though it was recorded in 1993, it sounds like it could have been released in the late 80's, the MC's pass the mic back and forth and pitch in for each others rhymes, the other 2 tracks on the 12 were good as well, props to Matt for this one.

3-Lazy Laz-
Smooth (1989)
from the Smooth 12" (Bumrush!)
Produced by Greg Nice & Lazy Laz

Speaking of E Double he gets sampled here for a vocal refrain, like the motion of water, this joint is great, a classic Bohannon loop and shuffling drums allow Lazy Laz to brag about his skills, there isn't a lot to tell you about Lazy Laz, this 12" was released on Bumrush records and was dubbed and remixed by Audio 2, it was well ahead of it's time if you ask me. Dope

4-Jack Bruce-Sam Enchanted Dick
from the album Things We Like (1970) (Polydor)

This is for the diggers, you will know who used this as soon as the bass on the first bar plays, besides who sampled it and whatnot, it is in amazing piece of music and should be listened to in full.

I have been re-reading old issues of Rap Sheet and this other producer listed this as album as one of his favourite albums for 1992, so he obviously got it that year and made a classic for us out of the record, but I wonder who got the record first.

5-Black Moon-Buck 'Em Down (Remix) (1994)
from the Buck Em Down 12" (Wreck Records)
Produced by Da Beatminerz

Ahhh this remix was impeccable, such a lush use of Donald Byrd's Wind Parade and the "Hihache" drums from the
Lafayette Afro Rock Band, this was the Bootcamp Clique sound in full effect, still riding on the success of the classic 1993 Enta Da Stage album, the remix was mad better than the album version and actually sounds better today than it did wayback in 1994..
Welcome to Bucktown USA where the weak get dissed everyday

6-Low Profile-Funky Song (Remix)(1990)
from the Funky Song 12" (Priority Records)
Produced by
DJ Alladin

I will always have fond memories of Low Profile's music being played on the Weds Nite Jam show, and how into the dope and classic Were In This Together album, myself, Mikey, Vee and Big Daddy Cam were, I love this remix as much as I do the original version and you have DJ Alladin destroying the turntables at the end, this is timeless West Coast Hip Hop.

7-Nubian Crackers ft The Artifacts-Do Ya Wanna Hear It? (1993)
from the Do Ya Wanna Hear It? 12" (Big Beat)
Produced by the Nubian Crackers

Ah yes the debut of the Tame One and El Da Sensai over slamming beats from the Nubian Crackers (Prince Quick Mix and The Undercover Brother) these two MC's just ripped their verses and the beat is so ridiculously fat, the music definitely speaks for itself on this one, you can see why this was such a mixtape and underground radio show fave.

8-DJ Quik-America'z Most Complete Artist (1992)
from the Way 2 Fonky LP (Profile Records)
Produced by DJ Quik

This was my favourite track from Quik's second album, and I have always loved the Parliment riff played on keyboards and the Kool and The Gang "N.T." drums, along with vocal samples from the D.O.C. and Salt N Pepa, this was great West Coast Gangster funk and Tim Dog was a fool to diss Quik, he had way more talent than Timothy could dream about.

9-To Da Core-We Got It Goin On' (1993)
from the We Got It Goin On 12" (Select Records)
Produced by Omar Santana

Released on Select Records in 1993 and also on the House Party 3 soundtrack, this swinging track was, as far as I know the only thing TDC did, a shame really because "We Got It Goin On" was a perfect example of dope 1993 Hip Hop, kicking off with a lovely Jazz loop and the infamous Melvin Bliss "Synthetic Substitution" drums, sure it was party rap like Naughty By Nature but it was dope.

10-Bas Blasta featuring Godfather Don, Fat Joe,Ju Ju and Lord Finesse-The Rhythm (1994)
from the Dangerous 12"(RCA)
Produced by The Groove Merchantz (Godfather Don & V.I.C.)

Hell of a line up on this and if you haven't heard this then you are in for a treat, this is rowdy and dope and every one comes off,great Biz Markie vocal sample too.

Somewhere out there the Bas Blasta album is in storage and someone needs to release that album, because Bas Blasta didn't have a bad track in his short lived career and us die hard Beatnuts heads know that there is unheard 'Nuts beats on it, I really hope that someday, the album sees the light of day.

11-Earle The Poet-High Noon (1990)
from the High Noon 12" (EMI Records)
Produced by Greg Royal

There isn't much I can tell you about this, but it was ahead of it's time sporting an ill old western whistle, slow, hitting drums from The Winstons and a hard sythn sound, Earle weaves rhymes about being a cowboy and how his day pans out,I am pretty sure this is the only 12" he released, in 1990 on EMI records.

12-Ed OG & Da Bulldogs-Skinny Dip (Blend Tape Version) (1993)
from the Skinny Dip 12" (Chemistry Records)
Produced by Joe Mansfield

A very sparser version here, with the fat bassline and Sly and The Family Stone and The Five Stairsteps drums and Tom Scott horns, the reason I included this is to tell you to pick up the new
Life Of A Kid In The Ghetto: Demos & Rarites album, because it is mad stupid ill.

13-Fat Jack featuring Fame and DJ Flaco-Beyonder (2003)
from the Natural
Hallucinogenics LP (Project Blowed)
Produced by Fat Jack

Time for something a little different now,produced by Fat Jack from the very eclectic Project Blowed label, this is an ill piece of music, and is very laid back and mellow, one that makes you forget about your cares and woes and remember the famous Bob Marley quote

One good thing about music When it hits you feel no pain

I am sure you will enjoy this and if you do check for the album, it might be to your liking.

14-Scum-Takin No Shorts (2000)
from the Scum Live 12" (Brick Records)
Produced by Insight

Boston's Insight is for some odd reason, severely under rated in both his beats and rhymes (of which there are many), I have always been a fan and the short lived Scum project gave us 3 dope tracks, this one was a bugged out mesh of hard drums,horns and weird samples, that worked well and combined with T-Ruckus and Insights rhymes, one for the headphones.

15-The Rascalz Featuring Checkmate & Flipout-Clockwork (1997)
from the Cash Crop LP (BMG Music Canada)
Produced by Kemo

We end this Fat Tape with a fat joint from Canada's Rascalz, I personally felt that this crew was slept on and their album Cash Crop was dope, the first time I heard this joint was on a tape recorded from the Stretch Armstrong and Bobbito show and I just thought they were some New York kids flexing over an ill bassline...I was wrong and it made me search out the album and I was glad I did.




You have read this article The CRDS Fat Tape with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Now Listen Up

Now Look

When Creme De La creme  Skaters
Hang Out With Incredible
The ResultYou Get 
Is This Exclusive Mix For Listen! Skateboards
J.R Is Killin It As Usual,
The Latin Way This Time!
So Put Your EarPhones A Little Louder
Take Your Board And Ride With Soul
Latin Soul
You have read this article J Rocc / Listen Skateboards with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

AONETWO AONETWO I Like To Introduce Myself

A Day In The Life Of The Diabolical Stompn' Ground
Brought To You By Scion®
23 Mns Of Hapiness
Biz Markie,
You're Just
Too Funky
You have read this article Biz Markie with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Sad Stories And Good News This Is A Public Service Announcement

Take A Look At This Video
It's The True story Of J-Swift (Of Pharcyde bizzare ride Fame)
A Story Of A Kid That Wasn't Strong Enough To Handle Fast Success
A Story Of A (Too) Young Millionaire
Who Got Hooked Really deep On Crack And Finish Sleeping In The Streets
Damn Kids Like Krs Says "Stay Off The Crack"

And The Good News
Is That I Finally Found The Old School Need To Learn Part One
Ripped From Tape
And Mixed With Class By Legendary Ca$h Money
here is part one and part two
as usual get it all or get nothing
Stay Off (hard) Drugs Kids
It Can Definitely ruin your life
You have read this article Cash Money / J Swift / Paul Nice with the title February 2008. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

A Pinched Nerve and The CDRS Fat Tape Volume 5

I had to go to the Doctor because I have been having some sharp pains in my chest in the mornings, it turns out I have a pinched nerve...I have to admit I was quite worried, because sometimes that pain could be linked to the heart...but fortunately it wasn't anything to do with my heart and it was only a pinched nerve, I have some meds for the pain now, by the's great being back on radio and I look forward to doing the Late Night Underground show every week...

...and it goes a little something like this...Hit It!!!

-It's On(1994)
from the Whatcha Gonna Do? 12"
Produced by Pac Man

If you think this is going to be some muddy, raw and dope Onyx like, rowdy NYC shit then you would be 100 % right, I'm not sure what I like more the head smashing Skull Snaps beat looped up or the droning and sinister organ that lies beneath,this also sports a nice use of a well known Lou Donaldson track too, a mad thanks to AG at Crates of AG for this one.

2-Missin Linx-Lock'D (1998)
from the M.I.A. 12"
Produced by Necro

This was the joint that was missing off Da Al Tariq Files, but I only got it (thanks Dred Scott @ Philaflava) after I finished the collection, I still enjoy this and Necro's organ sample is dope and eerie at the same, the drums could have hit a little harder, but I am not complaining, this was the b-side to the M.I.A. 12".

3-Foul Play-Black Clouds (1994)
from the
DJ Eclipse- Wild Pitch Blends mixtape

I edited this out of the infamous DJ Eclipse- Wild Pitch Blends mixtape, that my man serch4beatz kindly ripped and put up at Philaflava's T.R.O.Y. section and I am glad I did, as it's such a dope and moving slice of mid 90's Hip Hop, propelled by a great Method Man vocal sample, guitar and lovely horns and drums... it's criminal that this never saw a vinyl release...just criminal.

4-Old Dirty Bastard-The Stomp (1995)
from the Return To The 36 Chambers LP
Produced by The RZA

Ol Dirty is still sadly missed, during his time here,there was no other EMCEE quite as clever, bugged and entertaining as he was and this cut was just raw NYC madness, the production is, in my opinion some of RZA's dopest ever and Unique Ason destroys it, when people expressed their views about the last Wu album, this is what they miss, well at least it's what I miss and I wonder if he was still alive today, how different that album might have been.R.I.P. O.D.B.

5-Madkap-Questions (1994)
from the Nudder Budders EP
Produced by The Beatnuts

It's everything you wanted to know about Madkap and It's Madkap with a fat,jazzy joint produced by The Beatnuts, what more needs to be said?...I ask you :D

6-Raazda Ruckus-Loco Impact
from the Da Chronic Asthmatics 12"
Produced by Diamond D

Most of you probably know this group from the dope A-Side, but flip it over and you get some fat drums (James Brown), horns and double bass laced up by the legendary Diamond D, sure these kids were on the iggidy tip for this one, but they used it well.

7-Keith Murray-East Left (1995)
from the New Jersey Drive 1 CD
Produced by Erick Sermon

A standard E-Double produced cut and a joint that sounds like it was left off the Most Beautifulest Thing In The album, that's not to say it's wack, it's a decent track, but you know what to expect if you haven't heard this before, E laced up the Spinning Wheel drums again, added a deep bass line, some funk samples and vocal samples from Meth (the man, not the wack drug) and Gangstarr. word 'em up

8-Kenny Dope featuring Shaggy-Gunshot
from the Unreleased Project CD
Produced by Kenny Dope

I don't know why Shaggy never did a full album with Hip Hop beats, but in my opinion it is when he shines the most, forget the poppy ballads and shit, get Shaggy on some fat Blind Alley beats and listen to him wreck shop, this still sounds as great today as it did the first time I heard it, a very dope slice of mid 90's Ragga -Hip Hop.

9-Smoked Out Productions-Bok Bok (1995)
from the Styles 12"
Produced by S.O.P.

Early Black Attack and Problemz bless some fat Get Out Of My Life Woman drums, a hazy guitar sample and a muffled horn, this rowdy joint is best to be played loud and is yet another timeless piece of gritty NYC Hip Hop that I love to death, they released a very hard to get 12" before this one in 1994. "Back Up Kid" and if anyone has that please hook me up.

10.Kali Wild-Kali Wow
from the Superrappin Vol 2 CD
Produced by Oh No

This was the joint that made me think that Oh No would go on to be a great producer, because his style was different to his older brother Madlibs' and anyone elses... I just love the drums, percussion and the main loop, because of it's bounce that allows Sauna, Cornbread and Oh No to spit ill verbals over.

11-The Inviseez-Gotta Be Real
from the Gotta Be Real 12"
Produced by
The Inviseez

This is the B-Side to the Hagan Daj joint that was released on Henchmen Records in 1994,a deep bassline, quirky keyboard sample, smooth drums and DJ cuts(whatever happened to the DJ cuts?) make up this flavorful joint, not as good as Hagen Daj, but still worth hearing never the less..speaking of that...whatever happened to the Rawcotiks?

12-Rass Kass-Soul On Ice (Diamond D Remix)(1996)
from the Soul On Ice 12"
Produced by Diamond D

This is my favourite Diamond D remix, I am a big fan of the David Axelrod samples in this and I have always loved how smooth Ras sounds on this also, this remix makes this original version seem mad boring in comparison, I was going to quote some lines but there are just too many dope lines to quote. a perfect remix that did it's job.

13-Shabazz The Disciple-Death Be The Penalty(1995)
from the
Death Be The Penalty 12"
Produced by 4th Disciple

Wu Tang affiliate Shabazz spits intelligent lyrics over some hard hitting drums supplied by 4th Disciple, Shabazz was a dope MC and I don't think he ever really got his due, he was the first artist to release material on Wu Tang records and he was a dope MC with a great voice and rhymes about power and knowledge.

14-Jeru The Damaja-My Mind Spray
from the Sun Rises In The East LP
Produced by DJ Premier

I had to do an article about Bob James's Nautilus and it took me back to this great track again, man I miss Jeru and DJ Premier together, they really were an incredible combination, anyway Preem chopped up parts of Nautilus and looped a familiar part to great effect, this has always been one of my fave cuts from Jeru's classic debut.

15-KMD-Sorceress (2004)
Produced by MF Doom

Does anyone remember the rumour that Lil Sci was going to be in KMD and that an album would soon surface?, I do and this joint was all that came out of that sadly,if you haven't heard this, the answer is yes it's dope and standard great Doom production, I am pretty sure (but not 100%) that the main sample is from Bob James and also from my memory, I think Kurious was going to be a part of the KMD line up as well.

here it is, please leave a comment if you enjoy the compilation.

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