Song Breakdown: Chris Brown - 12 Strands (Matrix)

Interesting sidenote: A friend of mine told me that he threw a party for Chris Brown at his college a few months ago.  During the party, Chris got inebriated and began to tell him some revealing facts, one of which being that a main problem in his past relationship with Rihanna was that she worshipped the devil.  This would only bring some truth to the theory I heard about Chris assaulting Rihanna because she threatened him to join (would make a lot of since why Jay-Z got involved right?). With that said, it is obvious that Chris Brown's career has been intertwined in the occult in some way, so for him to create a song like this, only solidifies his involvement and possibly trying to get out, which seems to be a rippling effect lately.

The video is actually quite self-explanatory, so there's no necessary analysis for it.  I will, however, provide a proper breakdown behind the significance of some of the lyrics:

"Had an epiphany, that's what it seems/ It's smoking mirrors/ don't wanna believe/ for far too long/ THEY been plotting on me/ the story's unfolding now/ it's a conspiracy"

"starting to feel like it's deja vu/ I remember being here/ it must be a glitch in the matrix/ look around they all/ got the same face on/ I'm standing by the phone/ someone call me"

"Bring me to life, to life, to life, to life/ Show me how to live, to live, to live, to live/ Cause I lose control/ feeling like Neo in the matrix/ I just wanna live"

"I took the red and the blue pill/ now I can't decide whats make believe or real/ Am I awake or am I still asleep?/ it's killing me/ Into the oracle/ I wanted to know/ what I was supposed to do/ She said I'll see on my own/ and the craziest thing is that you already know/ trying to decide where the signs are on the side of the road"

"starting to feel like its deja vu/ I remember being here/ it must be a glitch in the matrix/ look around they all got the same face on/ I'm standing by the phone/ someone call me"

"Bring me to life, to life, to life, to life/ Show me how to live, to live, to live, to live/ Cause I lose control/ feeling like Neo in the matrix/ I just wanna live"

"I took the red and the blue pill/ now I can't decide whats make believe or real/ Am I awake or am I still asleep?/ it's killing me/ I need you/ you gotta help me/ I'm part human part android/ I need your power so you can't judge me/ judge me/ stuck in the matrix/ bring me to life"

In the opening line of the song, when Chris says that "they been plotting on me" it seems as if he is referring to the occult and their plans of possibly tarnishing his career after being vocal against them.  He then follows by saying that the "story's unfolding now" and that it's "a conspiracy" which could be about all of the recent occult affiliated artists being exposed.

When Chris refers to deja vu and how he remembers being where he is now, I believe that he is talking about the Illuminati putting him back into the same position of fame that he was in before the Rihanna beating fiasco, and possibly trying to change him by getting him to fully embrace occult practices.  Here is a further explanation through a clip from the movie The Matrix:

"Deja vu is usually a glitch in the matrix. It happens when THEY change something"

I believe that Chris Brown, like some artists, is not apart of the occult, but is still controlled by the industry elite.  I think for the majority of his career, he has been pressured to pledge his allegiance to them and join their satanic cause.  This conflict of control is seen clearly in the line where he states that he is "part human, part android" meaning that he has a mind of his own but is still under control.  Further down in the verse, he calls for his fans to give him the power to break free from the Illuminati's control of his career, and allow him to be successful without their ominous guidance.  This android-occult control concept has been seen before from many other music artists:

Janelle Monae


Black Eyed Peas

This song is very revealing not only because of its obvious Matrix parallel but also because the song cannot possibly mean anything else.  However, I'm worried to see what kind of backlash will come of him speaking out like this so blatantly.

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