First Piece of Evidence:
This is the All Seeing Eye and the New Earth Army
Some people see this and see no real big deal about. But I would say to you that it is a very big deal! It is the All Seeing Eye. The thing we have discussed with everyone here before. Take out a dollar bill and flip it over. Yeah, thats exactly the same thing you are seeing on the wall right now. Then there is the New Earth Army. What is that supposed to mean? Could it be anything like the United Nations Peace Army? A one world army that connects everyone? I would say that wouldn't be so far fetched as what is going on in this picture.
Page taken out of the New Earth Army instruction book
The symbol on his shirt is the Buddhist symbol of Ohm which means God
This is where it gets kind of freaky. The top symbol is exactly what this man has on his shirt. We then see the same symbol on top of the crest for the Theosophical Society. The crest has Aum (like the shirt) the Swastika, the Star of David, a Snake eating its tail, and an Egyptian Ankh. Also the outside says There is no religion higher than truth. Now I'm sure just like me, you are asking why this man has this symbol on his shirt. He is the head of the New Earth Army. The Theosophical Society states this as their objective
ENQUIRER. Can you attain the "Secret Wisdom" simply by study? Encyclopaedias define Theosophy pretty much as Webster's Dictionary does, i. e., as "supposed intercourse with God and superior spirits, and consequent attainment of superhuman knowledge by physical means and chemical processes." Is this so?These quotes should make you cringe a little. Why would the man who is heading the New Earth Army have a very blatant symbol on his shirt? Could he be apart of the Theosophical Society? Could he even have gotten some of his ideas from them to start this New Earth Army? It is quite a possibility.
THEOSOPHIST. I think not. Nor is there any lexicographer capable of explaining, whether to himself or others, how superhuman knowledge can be attained by physical or chemical processes. Had Webster said "by metaphysical and alchemical processes," the definition would be approximately correct: as it is, it is absurd. Ancient Theosophists claimed, and so do the modern, that the infinite cannot be known by the finite -- i.e., sensed by the finite Self -- but that the divine essence could be communicated to the higher Spiritual Self in a state of ecstasy. This condition can hardly be attained, like hypnotism, by "physical and chemical means."
It gets weirder as he leads those who are apart of the New Earth Army in a prayer to "Mother Earth"
"Mother Earth…This bugged me out the first time I saw it and should do the same to you. The movie clearly has an occultic tie to it. An occultic agenda to get across to the masses.
my life support system…
as a soldier…
I must drink your blue water…
live inside your red clay and eat your green skin.
I pray…
my boots will always kiss your face and my footsteps match your heartbeat.
Carry my body through space and time…
you are my connection to the Universe…
and all that comes after.
I am yours and you are mine.
I salute you."
These are just a few of the references that I have caught in this movie. As you can see from the evidence I have shown they are trying to clearly get across a message to the viewers. Again this is just the evidence I have found and my thinking on the matter. Ultimately you have to make the decision and come to your own conclusions on the matter. Keep an open eye for what is being shown on the big screen though, they want to desensitize the viewer to their way of thinking.
If you find something else that you saw in this movie or any other subject be sure to post it in the comments section!
Open Your Eyes,