Now are you ready for the wierd part?
Monique's personal drummer for her show is a guy by the name of Lil' John Roberts. Roberts is a professional drummer for many singers (Jamie Foxx, Janet Jackson, etc) and is also the husband of singer Jill Scott. Well there have been allegations that Roberts is a satanist. Even though he neither confirms nor denies such allegations, he does state that he believes in a "God" and when asked of his success he has stated, "dont think that any of you out there made any of your accomplishments by yourself, you had some help from a higher power!" Here are a few pictures of Roberts throwing up some of the common occult symbols:
Roberts throwing up the "devil horns"
Roberts with inverted stars tattooed on his hands
Again throwing up the "devil horns"
I wonder if Monique is aware of the rumors floating around about the drummer on her show. My guess is that she would probably take the same innocence road as with Paul Mooney. It's mind boggling to even think just how many people are involved in this satanic worship. I got a feeling we will know soon enough.
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