On The Run - Smash 137

An in-depth look at a style in flux, SMASH 137 - SMASH PROOF traces the various style excursions and developments of Smash 137―one of Europe’s finest contemporary style writers―as he chases the elusive ‘perfect style’. Never content with resting on his reputation or accepting in-vogue styles, Smash keeps busy mixing it up and pushing his forms to the limit. He is renowned for executing complex transitions and ideas under the guise of a simple veneer. Don’t be misled―behind the bubbly persona and swing of these so-called ‘simple’ letter styles is a subtle but powerful punch. This is a work in progress full of interesting twists and turns. Watch as Smash takes the art of writing to another level…

128 pages, Texts: English, Hardcover 23,4x16cm