Heavy Ammunition
An Ultra Clever Mix From The Minneapolis King...
No Not Prince aka Love Symbol
But Mike The 2600 King
The Guy Deserve his name
He is a true king at what he's Doin'
This Guy Does It All
Sweet As It Can Be
This is a mixtape the likes of which
you're unlikely to have experienced before
or likely to in the future.
Mikes sense of humour and approach to crafting mixes
is as devilish as his use of the fader.
This is a man schooled in the formative sounds of
80s Rap soul jazz R&B and pop
and a man whos not afraid to use every sound at his disposal
from the sublime to the ridiculous.
A mixtape that both entertains and educates
without seeming insular nor throwaway.
Quite an achievement!
Mike excels where many scratch DJs fall by the way side
in that he keeps the entire hour or more of this mix free flowing and coherent.
His approach is perfectly balanced between
the avid scratch fan and record collector, whilst appreciating
not everyone owns 20 thousand records or thinks crabbing is a good thing.
(For Those Of You Who Still Don't Get It,
You Must Download The Two Parts To Be Blown Away...)