Meet John Doe

OOOOH isn't He Cute Little Dj John Doe From The 1200 Hobos

Ok Here Are Some Mixtapes From Him
Posted By My Man Peleliu AKA The Fox From Berlin
You Got No cover and No Password
But You Got A Bunch Of Dope Mixtapes
Here You Go

Introducing Reuben StarBucks!
Bedroom Empires! (not a john doe mix though,if anyone knows who did it?)
A.M. Sessions(While You Were Sleeping)!
Kjeldahl Determinations:1200 Hamburgers!

All Those Links Are Dope Mixtapes
And If Anyone Feel Like Contribuing
by postin' links
for the covers of those mixes
You're Highly Welcome

Mad Props For Those... Mr Fox The Berliner

and for those who slept on the
breakin codes post you should go after
the illest mix by my man john doe
"Popullar Fallacies"
Here Is The Link
On Another Level!